SET Expo on 8/27/2018
During the presentations at the SET EXPO 2018 Congress, one of the highlights of the first day was the debate. his academic approach to how screen orientation, vertical or horizontal, has established different patterns of content consumption. While televisions are already established as a widescreen (horizontal), various internet and social media content has popularized the production of vertical videos – such as Instagram and its IGTV. Paradigm shifts are fast. “Business models are changing. The prediction is that virtual reality will grow more and more, imploding the panoramic image models”. The Singularity University, a partnership between Google and NASA, predicts that the use of virtual reality will be ubiquitous as early as 2026, completely filling the gap now dominated by conventional video games.
But these resources are already taking the form of a product and an investment window. For the speaker Marcos Alves (partner and head of Ventures at Dream2B and President of HUB XRBR), this is an opportunity in the audiovisual sector. One of the reasons is the cheapness of the necessary hardware and the size of the volume of investments made in extended reality products (extended reality, XR). Out of a global universe of US$155 billion handled in venture capital during 2017, US$3 billion was allocated to the XR segment. Brazilian companies capable of thinking about global products have a chance to expand their audience. One of the examples is the exclusive game for virtual reality devices Pixel Ripped 1989, Brazilian production presented by the speaker Rodrigo Terra (president of EraTransmidia Association and co-founder of ARVORE ;Immersive Experiences). The game was nominated for this year’s VR Award along with electronic entertainment giants like Bethesda.
In addition to the possibilities aimed at the final consumer, virtual reality has also increased the agility of filmmakers. This is the product that Kingsley Cook, Business Development executive at the British Ncam, presented. The technology is attachable to audiovisual production cameras and allows that, during the time of shooting, directors, cameras and others involved can predict in real time the effects that that will be added to production.